Companies have been increasingly realising the importance of focusing on their CSR credentials or their Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria.

There are many benefits that developing a sustainability strategy can bring. These can include:

  • Improving your company’s reputation – as consumers are looking more for businesses that care about society and the planet;
  • Improving your employer brand – as prospective employees are looking for employers who have real purpose and contribute positively to the world in which we all live;
  • Improving employee engagement – this will generate a better work culture, reduce staff turnover, increase productivity, build better work and customer relationships, and impact company profits; and
  • Saving money – reducing your energy and water bills will result in a lower carbon footprint and with lower recruitment costs these will all help you save money.

If you book your place, and give us just an hour of your time, you’ll hear from two experts who will help you save money and boost performance.

Guest Speakers:

Mark SaitCEO @SaveMoneyCutCarbon

Mark has been described more than once, as a “disruptive entrepreneur” as much of his experience is in identifying and starting businesses that simplifying fragmented markets to help move new technologies or solutions into the mainstream. SaveMoneyCutCarbon is his latest venture, the company is now recognised as the “go to people for homes and organisations that want to reduce their energy and water bills”. The business has enjoyed rapid growth and now delivers its customers millions of pounds in savings per year through its UK wide project management and installation teams and through its website.

Charlotte BateOperations Director @MAD-HR

Charlotte has worked as an HR Professional, Trainer and Coach for over 20 years and has a wealth of experience in delivering transformational HR support to businesses of all shapes and sizes, whilst always working with honesty and integrity.