The key to our success stories? Our determination to make a difference

Whether you just want reassurance that you are fully HR compliant or you’re ready to make some big changes, we have the right level of HR support for you.

Online HR Toolkit

HR support at your fingertips An image for HR support at your fingertips
  • From under £100 per month
  • Complex HR simplified
  • All the documents you need
  • Total reassurance

HR Helpline

A dedicated HR expert to assist you An image for A dedicated HR expert to assist you
  • Expertise when needed
  • On-site or remote support
  • An expert to fit your requirements
  • No ongoing commitment
  • Small jobs or larger projects

Retained HR Consultancy

HR support that is accountable An image for HR support that is accountable
  • HR Support integrated into your team
  • Whatever HR requirement you have we’ve got the expertise
  • Proactively anticipate HR needs and plan accordingly
  • Enjoy the same peace of mind as businesses with in-house HR staff
  • Total HR Support with fees spread throughout the year

Strategic HR Consultancy

Take your people with you An image for Take your people with you
  • Deep-dive appraisal of culture, capability and capacity to meet the challenges ahead
  • High-level overview highlighting opportunities for change
  • Strategised planning based on business goals and priorities
  • Optimisation of HR processes
  • Facilitate change based on clarity and results
HR support at your fingertips HR Support in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex
  • Deep-dive appraisal of culture, capability and capacity to meet the challenges ahead
  • High-level overview highlighting opportunities for change
  • Strategised planning based on business goals and priorities
  • Optimisation of HR processes
  • Facilitate change based on clarity and results
A dedicated HR expert to assist you HR Support in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex
  • Deep-dive appraisal of culture, capability and capacity to meet the challenges ahead
  • High-level overview highlighting opportunities for change
  • Strategised planning based on business goals and priorities
  • Optimisation of HR processes
  • Facilitate change based on clarity and results
HR support that is accountable HR Support in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex
  • Deep-dive appraisal of culture, capability and capacity to meet the challenges ahead
  • High-level overview highlighting opportunities for change
  • Strategised planning based on business goals and priorities
  • Optimisation of HR processes
  • Facilitate change based on clarity and results
Take your people with you HR Support in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex
  • Deep-dive appraisal of culture, capability and capacity to meet the challenges ahead
  • High-level overview highlighting opportunities for change
  • Strategised planning based on business goals and priorities
  • Optimisation of HR processes
  • Facilitate change based on clarity and results

Training & Coaching

woman laughing Well-trained, motivated people are one of your greatest assets
  • Achieve exceptional results
  • Measurable return on training investment
  • Interactive and relatable
  • Inspiring and actionable
  • No sedative PowerPoint presentations
"Our team is packed with expert consultants with real life experience working in organisations like yours."

Charlotte Bate

Director with 20 years of experience in HR

Meet our team

Making a difference to organisations just like yours

Developed over a combined 200 years of working with organisations like yours, our range of outsourced HR services have been carefully designed to provide expert and straightforward HR support to cover every kind of business need.

We believe that we have created the most relevant, cost-effective and easy-to-access range of HR services available and that they will appeal to every business that needs HR support – whatever their size or budget.

Our team is unrivalled with an unbelievable combined HR expertise of 200+ years so you can rest assured that whatever your HR issue, we’ve probably managed something very similar before. And the key to our many success stories? Our determination to make a difference in every business that we work with.

Concerned about compliance? Need advice with a specific problem or project? Perhaps now is the time for you to get a full team of experts behind you, for support or help growing your business? Or you may want to get the most from the team you have with our inspiring and exciting training ‘experiences’.

Whatever your HR need, MAD-HR provides the full range of Outsourced HR services that will make a difference to your business.

Browse our services above or, if you’re not sure which is best for you, simply contact us today.

Paris Olympics 2024: What Can We Learn About Being a Purpose-Driven Organisation?

We explore how the Olympics can teach your business how to be purpose-driven by setting SMART goals and maintaining your team's motivation.

Employment Rights Bill Announced

The new government has confirmed its commitment to banning exploitative work practices through a new Employment Rights Bill.

HR Advice for Every Business Leader – Our 10-Point ‘Gift’ to Mark our 10th Birthday

To mark our 10th birthday, the MAD-HR Team has put together a 10-point list of HR advice as a gift for you and your business.

Regular HR news, straight to you