Webinar – After Covid-19

How can you use your time now so that after Covid-19 your business comes out stronger than ever before?

Many businesses have battened down the hatches, furloughed team members and are now left wondering “so what next?”

Whilst Covid-19 has challenged even the mightiest of businesses to stay on track, now is the time for all business leaders to not only deal with the challenges of today, but now is the time to think about the future and plan how you are going to come back stronger than ever.

Clarity of thought, strong leadership, tenacity and an engaged team ready for action are all key ingredients to success during these uncertain times and there is plenty of action that can be taken right now, in order to come out of the traps flying.

Focusing on the “people perspective”, this webinar will help delegates to understand what actions they can take now to ensure they come out on the other side; stronger than ever before, with the right people, in the right place, ready for business.

The lunchtime webinar with the IOD will take place virtually on Zoom. Once you have registered to join, you will be sent a link to connect and to add to your diary prior to the meeting.

Book your FREE place here

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