4 things to know about strategic HR

A Strategic HR consultancy service can come on board on an ad-hoc basis to completely take the leg work out of taking an in-depth look at your business. They can go on to map out and implement a change programme to give your business the best opportunity to achieve your brand and growth goals, all while working in complete partnership with you.
A business plan without an overt people plan will lack foundation and you run the risk of ideas and objectives being held on to by a small group of managers rather than embedded in your teams. Your goals become a secret and secrecy creates mystery.
4 things to know about strategic HR
- Change comes from the top if you are going to inspire your whole organisation to stick their necks out then lead from the front. A leader’s responsibility is to create direction, gain the commitment from their team and drive action. The commitment only comes with trust. So don’t be afraid, as senior managers, to apologise for getting it wrong. The moment you start to be openly held to account is the moment you embed your company culture around accountability and responsibility.
- A change programme doesn’t mean you “chuck the baby out with the bathwater”. Often there are many key messages and positive cultural points that can be celebrated and held on to. Get maximum mileage out of your reputation and brand while you work towards change and reshaping the future.
- Don’t let technical hold-ups hold you back – organisations can write off entire business years waiting for something to happen in the IT department. Work on your people as they are one of the biggest differentiators between you and your competitors.
- Companies with impressive employee retention rates and high employee satisfaction levels all have one thing in common – they understand the importance of strong workplace culture. They also know that you must really take the time to connect with their teams if you want to get the best out of them.
Book a free, one hour, face to face consultancy to talk through any questions you may have or to talk about how we can help you achieve your strategic goals. Or feel free to give us a call 01473 360160.
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