You could have an annual leave problem this Easter…

This year your employees can treat themselves to more than a fortnight off work without even booking off 10 working days. This is due to the days the bank holidays fall on in 2017.
In fact, they only need to use 9 days of holiday leave to get 18 days off (including weekends):
The 2017 Easter period is in April. The last working day is 13th April, with Good Friday on 14th April and Easter Monday falling on 17th April. Annual leave can be booked between 18th April to 28th April, totalling 9 days holiday and will be topped off with the weekend and the May Bank Holiday on 1st May 2017.
A mad rush
Once your employees realise this there may be a rush so make sure that you deal with these in accordance with your Annual Leave Policy. You Annual Leave / Holiday Policy and procedures should be fully up to date and reflect the company stance on entitlement (not forgetting to adhere to the statutory minimums) as well as a clear guideline as to how multiple annual leave requests will be managed. The Policy should also be clear on part-time or flexible workers and how their annual leave is managed (for these workers they may need to book even less leave to achieve the attractive 18 days off). It is also best practice to ensure that all staff are aware of these policies and they become a working part of practice in your business to save any unnecessary surprises or tension later down the line.
A solution…
If you are among the many who find calculating and managing annual leave a bit daunting, sign-up to our FREE 5 day email course on ‘Managing Annual Leave – An Employer’s Guide‘. There is no fee, no test and it is delivered straight to your inbox over 5 days. This course is suitable for anyone who has oversight of managing annual leave.
If you need a hand to get your policies in order and actually, a good few of them are up for review, this is a great opportunity to have a look at our Online HR Toolkit. This Toolkit is designed to empower you to self-manage almost any HR situation.
We are around for a chat, of course, but this portal is packed with guides, learning, templates and documents that are accessible through easy-to-navigate, drop-down menus, once you have logged in yourself. You pay by subscription, bringing the benefits of an HR function without the price tag of retaining a consultant and solicitor. It contains 1000+ legally up-to-date documents among loads of other valuable resources, that you can download at your convenience, taking the headache out of Policy and Procedure reviews as well as so much more.
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