
Good leadership is essential for any business, large or small.  Leadership is the ability to motivate a group of people to achieve common goals. A good leader knows how to inspire employees and create a positive work environment. 


If you’re looking for information about developing leadership skills, you are in the right place. We have created a Leadership Hub to share intelligent, inspirational and insightful articles about leadership.


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Latest Leadership articles


Leading by Example – Leadership in the 21st Century

you can have all the policies and procedures but you need to relate to your staff to succeed and achieve leadership in the 21st century


9 Tips to Improve Your Confidence When Communicating

In business, as in life, poor communication can have many negative consequences. Follow these 9 tips to improve your confidence when communicating.

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Managing employees who choose not to take leave

Some employees don’t take their full entitlement to annual leave. We share advice on how to manage employees who choose not to take leave.

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Modern Slavery Act 2015 – What are the implications?

Modern Slavery Act 2015 - What are the implications for my business? From 1 October 2015 some employers must publish a slavery and trafficking statement

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Directors Face Criminal Proceedings For Failing to Comply

Directors are accountable for business decisions including those affecting employment law. An example of case law where Directors Face Criminal Proceedings

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Why is Employee Engagement So Important For Your Business?

You may think that employees are engaged and motivated however a recent survey tells a completely different story. Why is Employee Engagement So Important?

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How to manage grievances raised during a disciplinary

Disciplinary Proceedings - what to do when someone going through a disciplinary raises a grievance. Managing grievances during disciplinary proceedings

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How To Build a Better Team

Have you ever wondered how some work groups exhibit effective teamwork and others remain dysfunctional? So how do you build a better team?


Managing Risk In Your Business

your confidential business information and what makes it tick is at risk when employees leave. check out advice on managing risk in your business


How To Conduct a Performance Appraisal

achieve your dream team by making your employees feel valued. a good way to do this is yearly appraisal. we look at how to: conduct a performance appraisal

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How to have an effective performance conversation

An employee's performance can make or break your business. read our tips on how to How to have an effective performance conversation


Welcome to 2015 – Now What Does This Mean For Your Business?

2015 is general election year in the UK - so we should expect to see an avalanche of news, argument and raised voices over the issue of employment law.

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So why do you need help with HR ?

as a business there are so many areas of managing risk, people and time that are critical. here we outline several reasons why you may need help with HR

The impact of Leadership on businesses

Good leadership is essential to the success of any business. Leaders set the tone for the entire organisation, and their actions can have a profound impact on employee morale, motivation, and productivity. Leaders also play a pivotal role in setting the strategic direction of the company and making decisions that will determine its long-term success. In short, businesses cannot afford to underestimate the importance of leadership. 

However, leadership is not always easy, and it requires a unique set of skills and qualities. The best leaders are those who are able to inspire others, make tough decisions, and think creatively. They also have a strong sense of self-awareness and an ability to build relationships with others. If a business is to thrive, it needs leaders who possess these qualities.

Contact MAD-HR via our contact page to find out how to develop your leadership