
Good leadership is essential for any business, large or small.  Leadership is the ability to motivate a group of people to achieve common goals. A good leader knows how to inspire employees and create a positive work environment. 


If you’re looking for information about developing leadership skills, you are in the right place. We have created a Leadership Hub to share intelligent, inspirational and insightful articles about leadership.


Find out more about our leadership training and coaching…

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Latest Leadership articles

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How will your appraisal process reflect the challenges of the last 12 months?

Working on your appraisal process should be an ongoing task for your business, especially in light of COVID. Here are our tips.

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Why Now Is The Time to Review Your HR Strategy

An HR Strategy is critical to ensure the success of your business plan. How will employing staff fit into your growth plan? We explore when's the best time.

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HR Strategy – 5 critical steps

5 Critical HR Strategy Steps to implement in your Business. Assessing work force, performing gap analysis, succession planning and increasing resources.


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Chancellor's summer statement – Rishi Sunak puts new spending measures in place in a bid to kick start the economy.

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Get to Know the Team

Here at MAD-HR we are passionate about our people and in the spirit of Making A Difference we thought we would share some Lockdown Learning with you all.

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Local Business Grant Funds Scheme

A discretionary fund has been set up to accommodate certain small businesses previously outside the scope of the business grant funds scheme.

A default post image for when one is not present.

Small Businesses Boosted by Bounce Back Loans

After significant pressure from the business community, the Chancellor announced further support for small businesses in the form of the Bounce Back Loans.

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£1.25 Billion Support Package for Innovative Firms

UK businesses driving innovation and development will be helped through the coronavirus outbreak with a £1.25 billion government support package.

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Leadership Guide – Leading Through Turbulent Times

Leadership Guide - Leading Through Turbulent Times. Coronavirus HR Support Hub for daily updates on government legislation and guidance from MAD-HR.

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Why would anyone want to work for you and your business?

Why would anyone want to work for you and your business? MAD-HR explores how successful SME businesses attract and retain talent.

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5 Tips on Giving Memorable Presentations

Make your presentations exciting, poignant and powerful with these top tips from the training experts at MAD-HR


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Most meetings are not effective and that loss of productivity is not great for your business. How can you improve the quality of your meetings?

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Is a Four-Day Week Practical?

Four day week. Is it practical to work a four-day week? MAD-HR Director & HR Expert Carole Burman answers this question in Business East.

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Why You Should Choose MAD-HR!

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Are Your Line Managers Holding Your Business Back?

Are your line managers and supervisors making your workforce rock? Maintaining morale is key to business success, make sure you get it right.

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Growing Your Business with a Winning Team

Your business will only be as successful as your team. So as a senior manager, or entrepreneurial business owner, how do you create that winning team?

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Business Networking – Rapport and Relationship Building

Networking is a vital part of any successful business. You need certain skills to succeed, such as how you introduce yourself.

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Leading by Example – Maintaining Your Edge

A growing, forward thinking company needs strong leadership to drive strategies forward. We help you maintain your edge with successful leadership skills.

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5 Top Tips on managing HR in a small business

Small Business HR Tips - With a sound business plan, it won't be long before you'll need to look at your HR function. Read our Top 5 HR Tips.

The impact of Leadership on businesses

Good leadership is essential to the success of any business. Leaders set the tone for the entire organisation, and their actions can have a profound impact on employee morale, motivation, and productivity. Leaders also play a pivotal role in setting the strategic direction of the company and making decisions that will determine its long-term success. In short, businesses cannot afford to underestimate the importance of leadership. 

However, leadership is not always easy, and it requires a unique set of skills and qualities. The best leaders are those who are able to inspire others, make tough decisions, and think creatively. They also have a strong sense of self-awareness and an ability to build relationships with others. If a business is to thrive, it needs leaders who possess these qualities.

Contact MAD-HR via our contact page to find out how to develop your leadership